May 20, 2022

Bad Credit finance

Do you find yourself struggling with bad credit while looking for a car? If so, you’ve likely experienced the frustration that comes with trying to get approved for a car loan. At times, it may even feel impossible to qualify for anything. However, you shouldn’t lose faith, as bad credit car dealers provide an excellent solution for car buyers with poor credit.

At Toyota Direct, we understand the challenge that can come with trying to find a bad credit car loan. Therefore, we want to provide you with some assistance by detailing how you can get approved for a car loan with bad credit. To do this, we have compiled a list of five tips for getting approved for a car loan with bad credit while shopping with bad credit dealers.

  1. Understand Your Credit And A Loan’s Impact

First and foremost, even though credit will not be a factor in bad credit car loan eligibility, you should still have a grasp of your credit. This is because all loans will have an impact on your credit. If you make payments on time, it will have a positive impact, while late or missed payments will negatively impact your credit score. 

  1. Determining Eligibility

As mentioned above, credit is not a factor when determining eligibility for an auto loan for bad credit. Instead, bad credit dealers use other factors, such as your income-to-debt ratio, employment status, and living situation, to decide your eligibility. With this being said, you should ensure that all of these factors are in good standing before applying for a car loan.

  1. Set A Budget

When financing a car, you wouldn’t want to walk into a dealership without knowing what you are willing to spend. Hence, you should always set your budget before making a visit. To calculate your budget, you should consider every finance associated with buying a car. These costs can all be seen below:

  • Car Cost
  • Initial Fees/Taxes
  • Registration
  • Insurance
  • Maintenance
  • Fuel
  1. Find Reliable Dealers That Cater To Low Credit Buyers

Upon setting your budget, the next step for you will be to find a reliable bad credit car dealer. This can pose a challenge at times because some bad credit dealers are predatory towards low-credit buyers. If you don’t know what to look for in a bad credit dealer, you could end up getting scammed. With this being said, you should avoid any dealerships that seem like they’re trying to push something on you that you don’t want to buy. Another red flag may be poor customer service as well. Listed below, you can see what to look for in a quality dealership.

  • Easy-to-use website
  • Ability to search and refine inventory online
  • Diverse inventory
  • Clean facility
  • Friendly customer service
  • Good communication

Toyota Direct’s Columbus used car dealer serves as an excellent example of what to look for in a reliable dealership. 

  1. Save For A Down Payment Or Make A Trade-In

Once you’ve found a reliable dealership, there are a few other things that can help you to qualify for more on a bad credit car loan. First, you should strive to save for a down payment, which should be equal to twenty percent of a vehicle’s value. A down payment will help to lower monthly payments, along with any initial fees or taxes.

Aside from a down payment, bad credit dealers also take trade-ins. A trade-in acts similar to a down payment in that it will help to money down a car, saving you money on monthly payments, fees, and taxes. Depending on the vehicle you trade in, it could even amount to more than a down payment.

  1. Consider A Co-Signer

Whether or not you want a co-signer should be the final factor you should consider when trying to qualify for a car loan for bad credit. Co-signers are especially beneficial when using bad credit car financing, as they provide the lender with financial security by taking over any missed or defaulted payments. This financial security will typically provide you with lower interest rates on your car loan, along with more vehicle options from which you can choose. However, you should note that the responsibility that comes with being a co-signer is big. Therefore, you should make your co-signer someone you trust, like a close friend or family member.