Mar 2, 2022


In the past, car owners were fortunate to keep a car on the road for 100,000 miles. Presently, however, the situation is different. Because of more advanced manufacturing, quality fluids, and parts, most cars can stay on the road longer than ever before. If you are searching for a used car near Columbus, Ohio, we at Toyota Direct want to be as prepared and informed as possible; that way, you can keep your future vehicle running for a long time. As a certified used car dealership near Columbus, Ohio, we at Toyota Direct understand the steps needed to support a long and healthy life for used cars. For this reason, we have provided a list below of four tips to assist you in making a used car last the longest, saving you money at the same time. Before you visit our dealership to browse our selection of used cars and used trucks near Columbus, Ohio, take a look at the list below for some helpful car health tips.


  1. Don’t Ignore Gauges, Lights, or Alerts

As a car owner, you have likely seen your check engine light come on, or you have seen other alerts from your vehicle. Some car owners will ignore these warnings, hoping it goes away eventually; however, doing this could take years from your vehicle’s lifespan. In order to prevent significant problems from occurring within your car, it is wise to act immediately if your vehicle is displaying any warning signs. It is suggested that you take your vehicle to a mechanic to resolve any issues and catch problems before they occur. If you happen to decide on a used car near Columbus, Ohio, at Toyota Direct that shows any of these warnings, don’t hesitate to let our staff know. Our used car dealership near Columbus, Ohio, should be able to service most issues, and we’ll send it to a mechanic if there is a problem we can’t address; that way, you can buy your dream car.


  1. Inspect And Rotate Tires

The wheels and tires of a vehicle are typically some of the most neglected parts; however, they are one of the most essential. Your tires hold your vehicle to the ground, and they are critical to a car’s handling, acceleration, brakes, and gas mileage. For this reason, it is vital that you periodically check the wear and pressure of all of your tires. Along with this, it is also important to rotate your tires when you notice wear. Rotating your tires can help balance and distribute the tires, lengthening their lifespan and saving you money. If you find a used truck for sale, it is imperative that you pay attention to the tires, as trucks are much heavier, and they may be subjected to worse conditions than a standard car. This also applies to used SUVs for sale near you since they are heavier and have a higher center of gravity, subjecting the tires to more stress than a normal car.


  1. Avoid Some Driving Habits

Before finding a used car near Columbus, Ohio, it is crucial to understand that the way you drive can directly affect a vehicle’s lifespan. Driving behaviors such as rapid acceleration and braking, sharp turns, and driving too fast can all have adverse effects on a car’s health. Overall, aggressive or rushed driving is one of the main contributors to rapidly wearing a vehicle’s components.


  1. Keep Your Car Clean

When you see Toyota Direct’s used car lot near Columbus, Ohio, you will notice that all of our cars are shining. At our used car dealership near Columbus, Ohio, we not only want to keep our cars looking good, but we also care about the health of our vehicles. A dirty car can cause many issues, such as rust and corrosion, so to avoid this, we keep our cars clean. If you want to prevent damage and prolong the life of your car, we advise that you clean your vehicle at least every month or whenever you notice a buildup of dirt or grime.